Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz

Head of 4D Cellular Physiology

As part of the new 4DCP direction, we aim to study organelle-mediated functions in the context of cells within intact tissues.

We hope to learn how these functions vary among the different cell types of a tissue, how they link to metabolic and physical states of cells, and how this enables cells in a tissue to operate individually and interdependently to allow the organism to develop, remodel, heal and compute. We will employ many advanced light and EM approaches as well as advances in theory and molecular biology for this endeavor. We welcome self-starting, creative postdoc candidates who want to study these or other 4DCP-related conundrums in tissues and who want to take advantage of Janelia’s tool-rich and collaborative environment.

Lippincott-Schwartz has been a senior group leader at Janelia since 2016 and has served as the interim head of 4DCP since its inception in 2020. 

See Lippincott-Schwartz Lab website.